Terms & Conditions


  1. VAN d.o.o. gives use the vehicle specified on the other side of the contract for the period and with the conditions established by this rental agreement.
  2. By signing this Agreement, the user confirms that the vehicle was taken in good condition with all the equipment contained within the vehicle.
  3. The user undertakes to use this vehicle until the period specified in the contract at the agreed price. The shortening of the vehicle’s term of use is not applicable.
  4. The user will return the vehicle on the agreed date, and earlier at the request of VAN d.o.o. In case he wants to extend the rental, the user will request the consent of VAN d.o.o. for at least 24 hours.
  5. The vehicle can only be operated by the user or the person listed in this contract as another driver, in case he has all the necessary qualifications and documents.
  6. The vehicle should not be used:
  • For paid transport of goods and passengers
  • For dazzling other vehicles
  • For sports competitions
  • If the user is influenced by alcohol or narcotics
  • If it is loaded, i.e. if there are more passengers than allowed by law for a particular type of vehicle
  • For transporting animals, easily flammable material, materials with a strong and unpleasant odor, and bulky material that can damage the vehicle
  1. The user may not assign his right under this agreement nor may he sell the vehicle or individual parts of the vehicle without the written consent of VAN
  2. If the user exceeds the agreed deadline for returning the vehicle without prior consent VAN d.o.o. the vehicle is considered alienated, of which VAN d.o.o. will inform the police authorities. In such a case, the user will bear full material and criminal liability.
  3. The user undertakes to take care of the technical correctness of the vehicle during the rental period, regularly checks the cooling fluid, oil, and tire pressure, and performs the necessary oil change. The costs that the user may incur in connection with these actions can be recognized to the user with the prior consent of VAN d.o.o. and with the attached invoices, the user is responsible for all damages caused by improper maintenance of the vehicle.
  4. The user is responsible for damage to the vehicle during the rental period caused by the user or a third party, and if the user gave false information about himself and his address or driver’s documents when renting. In the case of third parties, the user will bear all the costs that VAN d.o.o. may incur on that basis.
  5. The user undertakes to immediately inform the competent police authorities about this case at the moment of occurrence of damage insurance, theft, loss of documents, and the like. It is also obliged to make a written statement and submit it to VAN d.o.o., about the circumstances of the occurrence of the harmful event within 24 hours.
  6. The user releases VAN d.o.o. from any liability for theft, damage, or loss of property that he has taken over in the vehicle both during the rental period and upon return of the vehicle from the lease. The user undertakes not to charge VAN d.o.o. for theft and loss of property.
  7. For the duration of the rental, the user will bear the costs of parking, parking, fines for traffic violations, and other costs that are not regular, all following the General Conditions that were available to the client at the time of issuing the vehicle.
  8. The user will not bear the costs of mechanical breakdowns on the vehicle if he has taken all measures to avoid such breakdowns.
  9. VAN d.o.o. does not bear any consequences caused by the breakdown of the vehicle during the rental period.
  10. The user undertakes to pay all costs under this contract immediately upon taking over the vehicle, and at the latest upon return of the vehicle.
  11. The user may, when concluding this contract, purchase additional insurance and thereby reduce his participation in any damage caused. Franchise redemption shall not relieve the beneficiary of liability for the cases referred to in paragraphs 11, 12, and 13.
  12. If the beneficiary accepts the terms of death and injury insurance (PAI), which is indicated by the client’s signature on this contract, the beneficiary will exercise the right to insurance according to the provisions of the personal insurance contract concluded between VAN d.o.o. insurance company.
  13. The user undertakes to protect the interests of VAN d.o.o. in the event of an accident by:
  • Record the names and addresses of participants and witnesses
  • Secure and remove the vehicle to a safe place before leaving
  • Notify the nearest VAN d.o.o. office about the accident and submit a written damage report
  • Call and wait for the police to make an inspection. If the user fails to perform these measures, he will be liable for all consequences and damages that Van d.o.o. may have as a result.
  1. The official published price list of VAN d.o.o. in force during the conclusion of the contract is an integral part of this contract.
  2. The user is also familiar with all additional costs that wink during the rental of the vehicle as a result of loss or damage to the vehicle or part thereof.
  3. The user is obliged to keep the traffic license and the key of the vehicle with him at all times of the rental. In case of theft of the vehicle, the user is obliged to hand over the traffic permit and keys of the vehicle, otherwise, all costs incurred will be borne by the user himself.
  4. In the event of a dispute under this agreement, the court in Konjic and Sarajevo shall have jurisdiction. By signing this contract, the client accepts all of the above.